Chawk | my little corner |

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My Writing & Fanfiction

Please understand that I am self-published. You may see the publisher "MAGISPIREPUB" in some of my published works, this is a faux publication and done so in honor of the DM who allows me to utilize his world to create novels that are based within said world. This also is a homage to the well known spire within said world (prior to the ending of Shadow of Carcosa [Campaign 1]).

Archive Of Our Own

I write occasionally on AO3, I publish mostly Original Works based on D&D Homebrew campaigns and AUs for said campaigns. Many may require you to log in to view.

Two Lovers Destined To Never Meet

Squires Tome P.1

Kiss - 8787

Nerifina: A Short Story

Rekya Anastas

In Another Tower (Preview)

Head Of The Family

Spinning Silk || Silkbulb & FLATHEAD

The Voidfarer: Belisima Anastas